Virtual or telephonic mediation offers many benefits, including greater flexibility, comfort of being in your own space, and faster scheduling. As virtual mediation becomes more integrated into organizations’ conflict resolution and human resources services, effective preparation is key to ensuring quality outcomes. Being remote impacts the way parties connect, how…
MEDIATION ETHICS: IMPLICIT BIAS, RACE AND MEDIATOR AWARENESS May 24, 2022 from 12 pm – 4:30 pm EDT For Maryland mediators and other ADR practitioners: This ethics training is designed in compliance with MD Rule 17-205(a)(5), and completion of this training is intended to satisfy the 2-hour ethics training required…
Research Project Summary Report At ADR Vantage, we help people work better together by improving communication and collaborative decision-making at the intersection of multiple fields of practice. Our team includes over 160 professional practitioners who are experts in the fields of Conflict Management, Organization Effectiveness, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and…
From our Managing Director, Tara Taylor… When I first learned to mediate, I felt like there were so many “not to dos”. Things I was not supposed to say or do, in an effort to maintain my neutrality, to avoid making judgements, and to allow self-determination for the parties. In…
Did you know that over 90% of ADR Vantage’s client projects were conducted virtually this year? Our team has been conducting online mediations, facilitation, and training for years, and our full-time staff has been operating as a remote team since 2019, but this year was quite different. 2020 marks a…
Words That Generalize Word choice is often discredited as a major element of good communication, in favor of other elements such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. But the words you use play a crucial role in causing and in resolving conflict. If you introduced your friend…
When I first became a trained mediator in the mid-90s, brainstorming was all the rage. Management journals touted the benefits of hosting in-person, group brainstorming to promote creativity in organizations. Leadership associations sponsored trainings on how to lead visual brainstorming activities in meetings. In fact, mediation course curriculums always included…
Language is a key factor in both causing and resolving conflict. A useful phrase that helps resolve and reduce conflict is “Can you help me understand”. Example: “Can you help me understand how you think that would help our reputation?” It is all too easy to attack another person by…
Here at ADR Vantage, we are compiling resources that we have found helpful for customizing our approach to conducting effective virtual mediations. Please find links below. We will be updating this periodically. Written primarily for attorneys about preparing and supporting their clients in mediation with some useful points for…
Confidentiality is a foundational element of mediation and essential in creating a trusted space to have open dialogue. Our mediators start every mediation with a review and signing of an Agreement to Mediate. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen significantly more use of virtual mediations (telephonic and…