According to organizational culture experts and authors of the best-selling book Leading with Gratitude, Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick, “showing gratitude to employees is the easiest, fastest, most inexpensive way to boost performance.” In fact, when employees receive appreciation and feel grateful in the workplace, they are more likely to…
Even when organizations start to get the diversity part right in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work, it’s often the inclusion part of the equation that gives them more trouble. Many struggle with creating a truly inclusive experience for employees (“a work environment where all people feel respected, accepted, supported…
In a recent poll cited by NBC news, 61% of respondents said, “The thing they missed the most from their pre-pandemic employment was in-person workplace conversations.” As much as some of us relish the flexibility of remote work and the pleasure of staying in our yoga pants for days on…
When I first heard this question, I didn’t quite understand what it meant. How could someone suffer paradox? I remember it well. I was in the initial weeks of completing my certification program to administer the Key Polarity Indicator, or KPI. (I would eventually become part of the first cohort of practitioners…
Many clients seek out our facilitation services to help their team or department work through a challenging problem, to realign their strategy to a new set of organizational priorities, or to simply help them navigate a difficult conflict situation. In all these instances, creativity is necessary to find new approaches…
Maybe your company is already familiar with the practice of adding personal pronouns to your email signature line or other forms of communication. Or maybe you noticed all the rainbow flags and logos that popped up on your social media feeds and on product advertisements last month (yup, June was…
“I know…” Words matter. They really, really, really do. Yet, we often toss around words and phrases that convey something unintended without considering the impact of those words and phrases. Take the frequently overlooked example, “I know”, as in “I know you didn’t mean anything negative by it…” “I know”…
Leaders carry a lot of responsibility. They are at once the high performer, the innovator, the visionary, the collaborator, the coalition builder, and countless other roles that get heaped on the shoulders of organizational leaders. Leaders juggle their many roles while aiming to satisfy and put on a good face…
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to re-set an old pattern, practice or usual way of doing things that might be holding you back from your best work. In fact, studies show that just mentally allowing yourself to start something with a clean slate mindset can…
When I was growing up, I never liked it when my grandmother forced me to apologize for something, I’d done to aggravate my younger sister. In fact, most of the time, I just grumbled a quick “I’m sorry” just so my grandmother would leave me alone and let me get…