
Happiness at Work – an Oxymoron?

I’ll bet when I say the phrase “work meeting”, the first word that jumps to your mind isn’t “happiness.” In fact, after weeks of one virtual meeting after another, your reaction may be the exact opposite of happiness and include an extreme eye roll while you think to yourself, “not…

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Dreams are Free

After switching jobs just a few short months ago, I was fortunate to become part of my first women’s Mastermind group.  If you aren’t familiar with Mastermind groups, there are lots of varieties out there but basically, it’s a peer-to-peer mentoring group where members offer support, feedback, ideas and advice…

purpose drive marketing

Purpose Driven Communication

A friend of mine recently told me that after the last several weeks of COVID-19 related stress and anxiety, she started using a new model to help her navigate her weekly goals and her daily attitude.  At the start of each week she now spends a few minutes dot journaling…

DCL Coaching

Short-term Coaching

“In a crisis, we need short-term goals that are meaningful and motivating and appropriate for the situation at hand.” Whether you want to improve your leadership or management skills, your performance, or your relationships with co-workers or friends, coaching has become more prevalent in recent years and may have been something…

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Emotions at Work

The article, “The Fear of Feelings at Work” originally published in The Atlantic, highlights why it is important to acknowledge the existence of emotions in the workplace.  Now, in 2020, amidst a global pandemic that suddenly and unexpectedly changed our lives and workplaces forever, it is even more critical that…

Virtual Training TSA

In-person to Virtual Training: A Case Study at TSA

Before the outbreak of COVID-19, our team at ADR Vantage was regularly traveling across the country to support teams, facilitate dialogues, resolve conflict, and provide training. As self-quarantining was just beginning, two members of our team, Tara Taylor and Rick Buccheri were preparing to deliver training for the Transportation Security…


Virtual Mediations and Confidentiality

Confidentiality is a foundational element of mediation and essential in creating a trusted space to have open dialogue. Our mediators start every mediation with a review and signing of an Agreement to Mediate. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen significantly more use of virtual mediations (telephonic and…

Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks for Virtual Meetings and Trainings

There’s a reason why the popular TED Talks format is limited to no more than 18 minutes. With backing from real-world research and the field of neuroscience, TED curator Chris Anderson explains that the organization decided on the 18-minute format because “it is long enough to be serious and short enough…

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ADR Vantage, Inc. is delighted to announce the selection of Tara B. Taylor, MPA as its new Managing Director. Tara has worked as a contractor for ADR Vantage since 2016 and has already built a strong reputation with many current clients and stakeholders. At ADR Vantage, Tara will provide leadership…


Three Ways to help your Team Manage Transition

“Endings have a great way of bringing up unfinished business.” – Lennox Joseph When I moved to Washington, DC from Baltimore, MD in 2010, I started to panic about missing all the places I had to yet to visit. “I’ve never been to the Peabody Library or the American Visionary…