In this quiet month of August, it’s a good time to reconsider the art and practice of listening. Let’s kick it off with a proposal to update the phrase “Active Listening” to “Deep Listening” or listening to understand. This differs from the transactional way we too often listen when, rather…
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Carol Dweck’s Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, and what it teaches about the role of mindset in our embrace of the new, sometimes hard, and always unknown of transition. Those are the very conditions that often trigger a fixed-mindset in which it’s…
What image comes to mind when you hear the word “resilience”? Perhaps you think of a plant growing from a crack in the sidewalk or a bouncing ball or a tree bending in the wind. These are common images associated with resilience and they focus on its often undervalued gifts…
So often in the discussion of resilience the focus is on the individual – how can they relieve, manage and reduce stressors and learn to become more resilient – and resilient people who are engaged, empowered and supported are indeed a core component of a resilient workplace culture. A resilient…
Every four years the political landscape in the US undergoes a dramatic change. Even when the President or the party stays the same, many of the people change. New priorities and points of view shape the future. As we approach such a shift, it’s timely to think about how change…