In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, conflicts are inevitable. But how we choose to handle conflict makes all the difference. As part of Conflict Resolution Month this October, we are sharing a few resources new in 2023 to promote peaceful conflict resolution in your home, at work, or wherever you may be.

Conflicts are inevitable. But how we choose to handle conflict makes all the difference. As part of Conflict Resolution Month this October, we are sharing a few resources new in 2023 to promote peaceful conflict resolution in your home, at work, or wherever you may be. See the list below.



  • Managing Conflict: A Practical Guide to Resolution in the Workplace, 2nd Edition by David Liddle
  • Rising Above Office Conflict: A Light-Hearted Guide for the Heavy-Hearted Employee by Dr. Clare Fowler


Looking for ways to resolve conflict in the workplace? We can help, contact us at