In-person, Remote, and More Hybrid Meetings: How to Help Employees Get the Most out of Meetings

The larger the group, the less responsibility each individual group member may feel for contributing to the efforts and overall success of the group. In essence, the more people present in the room or in the meeting, the easier it is for each individual person to feel less motivated and…

6 Ways to Celebrate Diversity Month this April

Started in 2004, “Diversity Month” is celebrated by the U.S. each April to honor and celebrate the many cultures, traditions, and differences that make up our country’s population. It is also a perfect time for you and your organization to reflect on how you can deepen your efforts around workplace…

How the Eisenhower Box Can Help You Make the Decisions That Matter

One of the themes that often comes up in conversations with leaders, whether in one-on-one coaching sessions or in larger team strategic planning meetings, is helping them to figure out how to be most productive in the midst of so much to do! Leaders are always juggling multiple tasks, multiple…

We are Hiring! Conflict Management Program Manager Job Vacancy

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MANAGER Applications are due no later than FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2022. ADR Vantage, Inc. is a leading consulting firm working at the intersection of three fields that most affect employees and their workplaces – Conflict Management, Organization Effectiveness, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). From our beginning…

“My door is always open”

“My door is always open,” said the leader, as they turned away from their team. This phrase hasn’t aged well and it’s becoming more obsolete than ever. Now that remote work is the norm, many leaders find themselves without offices and without doors. But that’s not the only reason why…

What’s in a Name? How Saying & Spelling Names Correctly is Critical to Your DEI Efforts

In previous social media posts, we have detailed the importance of pronouncing someone’s name correctly. It is a simple, but absolutely a critical move towards advancing inclusion and promoting respect. And honestly, it’s just the right thing to do. When we take the time to listen, practice if needed, and…

Hair, Teeth, Shoes – How Brain Science Can Help Employees Learn to Put Your Organization’s Core Values into Action

Hair, Teeth, Shoes. Hair, Teeth, Shoes. This was the phrase I found myself repeating over and over again, every morning when I was trying to get my two young children out the door for school. You would think after a few years of the same morning routine – brush your…

Words and Phrases that Transform Conversation IV

“Should” “Should” is a devious little word. It seems so useful on its surface, but it complicates communication and impairs relationships whenever it appears.  Take the sentence, “You should have notified me about this.” In this example, the speaker tries to indicate what someone else ought to have done, which…

Want help Navigating DEI in your ADR Practice? We’re here to help…

This week, Rick Buccheri, ADR Vantage’s Director of Programs, facilitated “Navigating DEI in ADR Practice”, an engrossing discussion among ADR practitioners and program managers exploring how issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion affect the practice of alternative dispute resolution. It was an in-depth conversation, and a great opportunity for…

Don’t Get Caught in the Gratitude Gap: 5 Tips for Building a Culture of Appreciation at Work

According to organizational culture experts and authors of the best-selling book Leading with Gratitude, Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick, “showing gratitude to employees is the easiest, fastest, most inexpensive way to boost performance.” In fact, when employees receive appreciation and feel grateful in the workplace, they are more likely to…